- 商家名称:德国都芳漆
- 主营/业务:水性木器漆系列。内外墙乳胶漆系列
- 所在地址:盛隆装饰城好易饰材连锁店
Meffert AG Farbwerke is located in Bad Kreuznach in the center of Germany. It is a leading European green, water-based paint manufacturer, as well as the first listed paint company in Germany. Since its creation by Otto Meffert, after nearly a hundred years of development, it has grown into a multi-national corporation handling business in more than 60 countries, with 14 modern production bases, 18 branches and two representative offices.
The Group has the world's most advanced modern automatic production lines for water-based paint. It owns a central laboratory with national testing qualifications, which monitors the products to ensure that each bucket can be in strict compliance with the German Industrial Standards and the Blue Angel standards.
Higher quality products, superior environmental quality, better services and more stringent technical demands are the consistent pursuits of Meffert AG, and the reason why its product s lead the world market.
德国梅菲特工业集团(Meffert AG)位于德国中部Bad Kreuznach市,是欧洲 的、专业的建筑环保水性涂料生产企业,也是德国首家上市的涂料公司。从 Otto Meffert 先生创建至今,经过了近百年的发展历史,集团业务已经遍及60多个国家和地区,在世界范围内拥有14个大型现代化生产基地、18个分支机构和2个代表处,全球共享集团在建筑涂料领域里丰富的生产、营销和售后服务经验。
集团拥有目前世界上最为先进的现代化全自动水性漆生产线,中心实验室具有 检测机构资质,对所生产的产品实行实时动态监控,确保每一桶产品的品质都能严格符合德国工业标准及蓝天使环保标准的要求。
更高质量的产品、更优异的环保质量、更好的服务和更严格的工艺要求,是梅菲特工业集团的一贯标准与追求,也是梅菲特工业集团和其所生产的系列产品在世界范围内长久保持 和竞争力的关键所在。
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